Utah legislature votes to repeal HB 477

Veto HB 477 rally at Utah State Capitol (Chris Vanocur, ABC 4 News)
(http://hindimovieonly.blogspot.com/ News) - The Utah House and Senate have voted to repeal House Bill 477.

HB 477 is the controversial bill/law that redefines what kinds of records can be made public, and restricts access to the text messages and other electronic communications to and from public officials.

The bill passed two committees and both Utah houses within 72 hours of its introduction, despite a loud public outcry.

Herbert claimed he signed the bill into lawto avoid a veto override from the Legislature.

Herbert promised at the time that he would call for a special legislative session to arrange for more debate and set up a task force to look into the bill's tweaking of Utah's Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA).

After a sometimes tense and emotional back and forth between the House and Senate Friday, both chambers eventually repealed the bill.

Shortly afterwards, the governor issued issued a statement saying he was "pleased" with the legislature's action and added that he feels it was the right thing to do.


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